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CMC Rope I.D. Markers

SKU: 294012

Product Info

Write, type, or stamp information on the 3/4 x 1-in (19 x 25 mm) white area. The clear self-laminating portion wraps around to protect writing. Works on rope up to 5/8-in (16 mm) diameter. For permanence, we recommend that you apply two or three coats of clear Whip-End Dip over the marker. 60 markers per book.

Working-At-Height / Industrial Rope Access / Technical Rope Rescue

Working at height requires reliable, quality equipment. Rope I.D. Markers can be used to mark the rope to be used with equipment and hardware in work-at-height maneuvers, industrial rope access or technical rope rescue. Always use life safety equipment and gear according to the regulatory safety standards for which it is classified and/or certified.

Color White